Common Replicas of British Swords
Replicas have their place within the sword community.
Problems only arise when such replicas are passed off as original swords.
Here is some guidance to help avoid getting your fingers burned.
General Guidance
The use of leather-covered grips is very rare for British swords post 1800. Be especially aware of leather grips, this is always a red flag. Familiarise yourself wiith the 'PROVED T.' proof disc, as this is used across multiple replicas (with small variations. In general, the quality of etching on replica swords is poor compared to originals, especially regarding coats of arms. If a unicorn looks more like a cow, beware!
Georgian 5-Ball Spadroon
R1796 Light Cavalry Officer
R1796 Heavy Cavalry Trooper
R1803 Infantry Officer
P1831 Generals' Mameluke
P1834 1st Life Guards
P1845 Infantry Officer